Family farming plays a pivotal role in shaping rural livelihoods and landscapes. Understanding the dynamics behind crop selection by family farmers reveals critical intersections between economic priorities, environmental sustainability, and food security. This study examined the main crops chosen by family farmers in a rural area in Southern Bahia, Brazil, and the key factors influencing this choice. The preferred crops were cassava, banana, passion fruit, corn, cacao, black pepper, and coffee. Among these seven crops, three are commodities: cacao, black pepper, and coffee. We analyzed the main crops according to their regional specificities of cultivation, market, labor conditions, and management strategies. This study points to the high relevance of economic factors in the choice of crops, indicated by the preference for commodities and cash crops, and almost no crops for self-consumption. We also discussed how these choices affect the environment, by putting pressure on preservation areas and using agrochemicals without control. The analysis shows an imbalance in the key crop choice factors and the farming systems chosen by farmers who are currently food insecure.
family farming, commodities, food security, Manihot esculenta, Theobroma cacao.
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