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Agricultural production and GHG emissions in the Brazilian Amazon

Marcos Rodrigues, David Costa Correia Silva, Wladimir Colman de Azevedo Junior


This study aimed to analyze the impact of agricultural production in the Brazilian Amazon on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This impact was measured using the Johansen cointegration test and the estimation of a vector error correction model (VECM) to explore short and long-run relationships between the equivalent of CO2 emissions, agricultural production, cattle heads, deforestation, and agricultural value added to GDP. The results indicated no evidence of long-run equilibrium in equivalent CO2 emissions for agriculture in the Amazon. However, in the short run, agricultural production, deforestation, and agricultural value added to GDP impacted GHG emissions. Extensive production expanded the Amazon’s agricultural frontier and increased GHG emissions, while investments in sustainable practices in rural areas and compliance with environmental institutions contributed to reducing the impact of agriculture on GHG emissions.


vector error correction model; cointegration; commodities; sustainable agriculture.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18542/ncn.v26i3.13083






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