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Livania Norberta Oliveira, Lucio Sobral Cunha, Eugênia Pereira, Maria Lucia Brito Cruz


The determination of resilience capacity constitutes an important tool for environmental conservation and preservation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the environmental resilience capacity of the lower course of the basin of the Poti River (LCPR) in the state of Piauí in northeastern Brazil. For such, analyses were performed of the natural and socioeconomic aspects of the area. A geographic information system was used for interpreting the lower Poti River and identifying the main existing environmental risks. The images were edited using SPRING 5.2 and ARCMAP 10.3. Environmental resilience capacity was determined by calculating an environmental resilience index (ERI) based on two additional indexes: the natural resilience index (NRI) and the municipal social vulnerability index (MSVI). Environmental resilience capacity was low in the urban areas of the river due to the greater pressure on the environment as a result of demographic density and the exploitation of natural resources. In contrast, rural areas (86 percent of LCRP) showed a moderate-to-high degree of environmental resilience, due to the occurrence of large areas predominantly covered with natural vegetation. The municipal social vulnerability index reflects the various public strategies adopted by administrators. Another finding was that the method developed for evaluating environmental resilience based on the analysis of natural resilience and social vulnerability is important to the planning and management of river basins in terms of the sustainable development of its uses in different geographic areas.


KEYWORDS: Vulnerability; Resilience; Hydrographic basin; Sustainability

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