Narrares Journal

CANCIÓN DE JINETE: the equidistant view of the forbidden landscape

Adriany Negrão, Shelsea Patricia Figueiredo, George Hamilton Pellegrini


This communication proposes to analyse, from the perspective of comparative studies and landscape theory, the poem Canción de Jinete, by Federico García Lorca, and the Brazilian resistance poetry produced after the military coup of 1964 (Ferreira Gullar, Thiago de Mello, mimeograph generation…). To this end, the concepts of landscape and complexity (Claudio Guillén, Michel Collot, Anne Cauquelin, Agustín Berque, Alain Roger, Gilles Deleuze, Manuel Ángel Vázquez-Medel, Èdouard Glissant) will be taken as a theoretical and philosophical support to seek parallels and similarities, in the construction of the forbidden landscape, between the Spanish poet and Brazilian poetry. Military dictatorships have disastrous consequences on any community and one of the most persecuted segments, due to its power of persuasion, is the artistic/intellectual. Murders, torture and exile are the main resources used by usurpers to silence the voices of those who resist living under the shadow of totalitarianism. As a cultural construct, the literary landscape is influenced by the space-time circumstances in which the poet finds himself. The landscape apprehended in experiences of oppression and exile records the violence that human beings can exercise in situations of power, remaining as a historical testimony of a tragedy that should not be repeated, nor forgotten.


COLLOT, Michel. Poética e Filosofia da Paisagem. Rio de Janeiro: Oficina Raquel, 2013.

DELEUZE, G; GUATTARI, F. Mil Mesetas: Capitalismo y esquizofrenia. Valencia: PRE-TEXTOS, 2002.

DRUMMOND, Carlos. As impurezas do Branco. Rio de Janeiro: Companhia das letras, 2012.

ESPINHEIRA FILHO, Ruy. Antologia Poética. Rio de Janeiro: Casa da Palavra, 1996.

GIRARDIN, René-Louis. De la composition des paysages. Seyssel: Champ Vallon, 1992.

GLISSANT, Èdouard. Tratado del Todo Mundo. Barcelona: Éditions Gallimard, 1997.

GUILLÉN, Claudio. Paisaje y Literatura, o los fantasmas de la otredad. Actas del X Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanista. Barcelona, 1989.

GULLAR, Ferreira. Dois e dois: quatro. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1966.

LORCA, García. Canciones 1921-1924. Madrid: Alianza, 1993.

MELLO, Thiago de. Vento Geral. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1987.

ROGER, Alain. Breve Tratado del Paisaje. Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 2007.

VÁZQUEZ MEDEL, M. Á. Teoría del emplazamiento: aplicaciones e implicaciones. Sevilla: Alfar, 2003.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Adriany Negrão, Shelsea Patricia Figueiredo, George Hamilton Pellegrini

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Narrares Journal | e-ISSN (2966-0483) |  Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 ©  by Federal University of Pará

Research Group on Resistance Narrative Studies (NARRARES)
Postgraduate Program in Letters (PPGL)
Institute of Letters and Communication (ILC)
Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
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