Narrares Journal

FROM SERINGAL TO TERRA CAÍDA: the unfilmable Amazon in the process of adapting literature to television discourse

João Pereira Loureiro Junior


This work discusses representations of the Amazon from the Unfilmable category as it is impossible to portray on TV, not due to usual translation mechanisms, but due to ideological choices that “decorate” the Amazon and construct a distorted vision. To do this, we consider the processes of adaptation between literary text and its recreations, as well as stereotyped discourses that often disseminate this space from the perspective of common places that mark these representations of the region, whether in literary discourse, analyzed here from the novels Terra Caída by José Potyguara and Seringal by Miguel Ferrante, whether in the television discourse represented by the miniseries Amazônia: de Galvez a Chico Mendes, written by Glória Perez. As a theoretical reference for the discussion we will use different authors, among which we highlight: (Dutra, 2005), (Bueno, 2002), (Guimarães, 1995), (Figueiredo, 2010), (Benjamin, 2008) among others. With this discussion, we intend to weave a reflective panel on how the filmable Amazon often feeds mistaken notions about the region and these marks are visible in the construction of a text that often ignores the particularities of a real Amazon concealed by a supposed impossibility. of adaptation.


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Narrares Journal | e-ISSN (2966-0483) |  Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 ©  by Federal University of Pará

Research Group on Resistance Narrative Studies (NARRARES)
Postgraduate Program in Letters (PPGL)
Institute of Letters and Communication (ILC)
Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
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