Revista A Palavrada

Mentoring as a resource for remote teaching during the pandemic times: A case study at the Federal University of South and Southeast of Pará

Josceane da Cruz Pereira, Ciléia Alves Menezes


Due to the new coronavirus pandemic and the need to keep social distance, the teaching and the mentoring processes had to switch to the remote teaching in an emergency format, demanding new configurations from the part of the scholars and professors. The current article aims to discuss how the mentoring
process happened in this context. The proposed study analyzed the resources used in mentoring during the remote teaching context offered to English undergraduate students at UNIFESSPA. Based on a case study, qualitative research was carried out following a communicative approach perspective. The results showed that although there were positive points and aspects to be improved, mentoring was an indispensable tool for students during the pandemic period.


Mentoring; Remote teaching; Pandemic times.

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ISSN: 2358-0526