Nova Revista Amazônica


Yvonne M Kabombwe, Humphery M Kapau, Edward Mboyanga


 Poetry has always been a significant aspect of communication in African societies. It is used as a medium of instruction from one generation to another. The British colonisation that lasted for more than seventy years in Zambia had far reaching consequences that affected the social, political, and economic aspects of the indigenous people. As a way of countering colonialism, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe wrote poems in Bemba to educate the local people on the ills and the hypocrisy of colonialism that occurred in Africa in the 19th Century. This paper analyses five selected poems in Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe’s “Afrika Twasebana” as a tool for decoloniality in post-colonial Zambia. Anchored on the decolonial perspective of Ngugi Wa Thiongo as a theoretical binocular to explain Kapwepwe’s poetry as a form of decoloniality. The paper used a qualitative approach, document analysis and thematic analysis as its methodological orientation. This paper argues that Kapwepwe used indigenous language (Bemba) as a tool to fight against colonialism among the Bemba of Zambia.

Keywords: Kapwepwe, poetry, knowledge, resistance, coloniality and decoloniality


Poetry, Decoloniality, Knowledge, Resistance, Colonilaity

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