Narrares Journal

Journal of the Research Group Studies in Narratives of Resistance at the Federal University of Pará. The research group Studies in Narratives of Resistance (NARRARES), created in 2005, by PhD. Tânia Sarmento-Pantoja, was initially called Research Group in Studies of Resistance Portuguese Language Literature. In 2008, the group was renamed NARRARES, focused on reflecting on the various forms of narratives that resist the authoritarianism of states, especially the authoritarianism imposed by the civil-military dictatorships imposed on Latin American countries in the second half of the 20th century.

Narrares Journal, created in 2023, published every six months, free of charge, aims to be a space for hosting scientific articles, in a continuous flow, with double-blind evaluation, with themes linked to various resistance movements, whether of a political nature, artistic and/or cultural. With an important concern to emerge contemporary debates and reflect on various exceptional historical experiences.