Narrares Journal


Aldilene Lopes de Morais


This work turns to the study of family memories present in the chronicle books by Elias Salgado, a writer of Sephardic origin. In O fim do mundo e outras histórias de beira-rio (2015), Elias tells the story of his family of Sephardic Jewish origin, residing in the interior of the Amazon. For that end, it will be necessary to understand how studies concerning to memory, culture and identity are constituted. It is known that memory has an extreme relevance in the experience of the human being, so that it can be a link between a group of people, communities, and even being part of the identity construction of a certain people, as Le Goff (2005, p. 469-470) and Paul Ricouer (2007) points out. In this same line of thought, Mauríce Halbawchs (1990) points out that the memories we build are guided not only by what is established individually, since it is in the community that they are forged and passed on from generation to generation. It is worth mentioning that studying identity will also be one of the focuses of this research, considering that it is imbricated with memory. Stuart Hall (2006, p. 17) believes that identity is a process of construction. Hommi Bhabha (1998, p. 19) stress that culture and identity are forged in a process that is not fixed, since it is in transition, a process that he calls "beyond, which is neither a new horizon nor an abandonment of the past". Therefore, the Jewish presence in the Amazon is perceived in Elias Salgado's memorialistic writings, so this research intends to identify and study the cultural and historical echoes that allude to a Jewish identity in the Amazon.


CONDE-SILVA, Alessandra F. Memórias de um escritor de origem sefardita: Elias Salgado e O fim do mundo e outras histórias de beira-rio. In: Ecos Sefarditas: Judeus na Amazônia. Org: CONDE-SILVA, Alessandra F. BENCHIMOL- BARROS, Silvia Helena. Rio de Janeiro: Talu Cultural, 2020, v. 01, p. 141-156.

HALBWACHS, Maurice. “Memória individual e memória coletiva”. In: A Memória Coletiva. Tradução de Beatriz Sidou. São Paulo: Centauro, 2003.

IGEL, Regina. Imigrantes judeus, escritores brasileiros: o componente judaico na literatura brasileira. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1997.

LE GOFF, Jacques. “Memória”. In: História e Memória. Campinas: Ed. UNICAMP, 2005.

MOISÉS, Massaud. A criação Literária – Prosa II. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2003.

SALGADO, Elias. O fim do mundo e outras histórias de beira-rio. Rio de Janeiro: Talú Cultural, 2015.

SALGADO, Elias. Memória indiciada. Rio de Janeiro: Talú Cultural, 2020.


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Narrares Journal | e-ISSN (2966-0483) |  Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 ©  by Federal University of Pará

Research Group on Resistance Narrative Studies (NARRARES)
Postgraduate Program in Letters (PPGL)
Institute of Letters and Communication (ILC)
Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
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