Narrares Journal


Keury Naiane Silva de Almeida, Carlos Henrique Lopes de Almeida


Comparative study that points out aspects of the marvelous in the works Contos Amazônicos (2014), by Juan Carlos Galeano and One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967), by Gabriel Garcia Márquez, both Colombian authors. According to Irlema Chiampi (1980), the marvelous is traditionally described in literary creation as the intervention of supernatural beings: gods, angels, fairies, demons, causing amazement and surprise in the listener or reader. The methodological procedures were based on qualitative analyzes of a bibliographic nature, as follows: reading of the corpus Contos amazônicos (2014) and Cem anos de solitude (1967), reading of the theorists who supported this work and which we will see below and finally, the fragmentary and reflective exposition of this aspect, the Marvelous, in the works. To this end, the main theorists who supported this research are: Rodrigues (1992); Chiampi (1980); Paes Loureiro (1994); Pizarro (2005) and Fernandes (2015). From the observation of the myths in Galeano's work and the scenes in Márquez's novel, we conclude that the Marvelous is a common aspect between the works and even more so, that it is an identity aspect of Latin America, as both authors deal with the Latin America in his works points out this reality that mixes the natural and the supernatural, that is, a Wonderful reality.


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Narrares Journal | e-ISSN (2966-0483) |  Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 ©  by Federal University of Pará

Research Group on Resistance Narrative Studies (NARRARES)
Postgraduate Program in Letters (PPGL)
Institute of Letters and Communication (ILC)
Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
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