Paulo Freire e as cosmovisões dos povos originários
Many peoples from the continent of Abya Yala (Americas), as well as of Africa and Oceania, have been decimated or subordinated by the violent colonization and enslavement processes, imposed throughout history. However, their worldviews resist and re-exist in multiple ways. Through intense and sensitive listening, we can learn from these peoples to reestablish our ways of life and production according to ancestral principles, which we indicate here with the concept of Well Living, which can be summarized in its principles of relationality, integrality, complementarity and reciprocity. The epistemological and pedagogical principles formulated by Paulo Freire show an intimate relationship with the educational principles inherent to the original peoples’ cultures. Paulo Freire developed his pedagogical conception using cultural references from Western critical theories. But his engagement with popular social movements most likely allowed him to learn from epistemological perspectives of the original peoples’ cultures relived by popular communities in Latin America.
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