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Tania Ivanova González-Rivadeneira, Radamés Villagómez Reséndiz


Agroforestry systems comprise important spaces for biodiversity involving traditional ecological knowledge in their management. In Latin America, within Mesoamerican region as well as Andean exists a prominent kind of agroforestry system called home gardens, distinguished by the presence of domesticated plants and animals, coexisting with wild foods. In this paper, we addressed a comparative view on home gardens between p’urhépecha ekuaro and kichwa chakra to document qualitatively the relationship between diversity of wild food and food sovereignty in Mesoamerica and Andean regions, within a context of cultural change, and to contribute to the discussion of wild-domesticated continuum related to plants in different home gardens. The ethnographic research shows three main elements: 1) that the diversity of forms of lives domesticated and wild that coexist in the home gardens form part of a food sovereignty system; 2) cultural change does not just affect home gardens in negative ways; 3) wild foods are in a very complex process of domestication in which it is difficult to define the lines between wild and domesticated. Wild food studies have to consider a broad approach to how wild food relates to human cultures.


wild food, ekuaro, chakra, agroforestry system

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