The field of studies of gender and sexuality articulated with education has been constituting and, today is already consolidated as a field of knowledge. This means that this field has mobilized study and research groups linked to CNPq with a focus on these interests, lines of research in Postgraduate programs, National Associations focused on discussions of Gender and Sexuality, Working Groups in the main academic associations, Seminars National and International, in short, a set of actions that allow us to affirm the studies of Gender, Sexuality, and Education as a field that produces and disseminates knowledge. This field has a strong influence from the post-structuralist perspective, which invests in the problematization of important and central issues for society, such as, for example, the production of gender and sexual differences and inequalities in their crossings with race/ethnicity, generation, and class. Bringing it to Education, this approach focuses on the school space and a sense of education beyond schools as contexts in which gender and sexuality relations produce subjects as the effects of discursive practices, knowledge, power relations, and actions between subjects. In this sense, the proposal of a dossier like this is so that we can welcome, know and disseminate research that has taken the poststructuralist perspective in dialogue with other studies, such as Gay and Lesbian Studies, Foucaultian Studies, Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies, Queer Studies as provocations to think about the constitution of subjects and their belonging in their intersectionalities of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, generation, religion, class, among others. Research that works with this sense of constitution of subjects as educational processes that involve not only schools but other educational spaces as well, in which relationships are marked by discourses, practices, and knowledge that produce identities and belonging, as well as allowing us to place under suspicion our ways of thinking, acting, being and being in the world. Our proposal is also to problematize how these researches based on the post-structuralist perspective, in dialogue with other studies, have mobilized our ways of looking at and understanding the field of gender, sexuality, and education studies.
KEYWORDS: Gender. Sexuality. Education. Post-Structuralism.
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Federal University of Pará - Abaetetuba Campus - EditorAbaete
Post-Graduate Program in Cities, Territories, and Identities (PPGCITI)
ISSN: 1806-0560 e-ISSN: 1982-5374