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Luana dos Santos RIBEIRO, Augusto SARMENTO-PANTOJA


The current article proposes a comparative analysis between the short story Felicidade Clandestina (1971), by Clarice Lispector and A Meia Hora do Sol (1970), by Urbano Rodrigues. Based on the concept of resistance developed by Alfredo Bosi, in Narrativa e Resistência (1996) and reflections on violence, proposed by Walter Benjamin, in the essay Crítica da Violência – Crítica do Poder. (1921). In Clarice's short story, the author puts us face to face with the dilemmas of the daily dilemma, allowing us to have an easy identification with the protagonist and her desires as a reader. Eager to conquer the object of her desire, she is hampered and humiliated by her antagonist's cruel power game. In Urbano's short story, the author introduces us to Mateus and Julia, a couple who face separation, imposed by the authoritarianism and persecution of the Portuguese dictatorship. Thus, we identified the elements that denote resistance and violence not only as actions present in armed and warlike conflicts.



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Copyright (c) 2022 Luana dos Santos Ribeiro, Carlos Augusto Nascimento Sarmento-Pantoja

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Impact Factor 1.54

 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Federal University of Pará - Abaetetuba Campus - EditorAbaete

Post-Graduate Program in Cities, Territories, and Identities (PPGCITI)

ISSN: 1806-0560 e-ISSN: 1982-5374



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