This paper brings an archaeological and genealogical analysis on the idea of gender, starting on its emergence as an analytical category on human sciences, derived from works in the field of biomedicine which advocated it as the cultural version of sex, until the present, when post-structuralist, decolonial and queer perspectives attempt to de-ontologise the term, demonstrating how the nature x culture binarism is reinscribed under the sex x gender logic, being, thus, epistemologically unsustainable and ethically reprehensible. In order to do that, a bibliographical review of the statements of the sex-gender system by Gayle Rubin and its variations in Joan Scott, as well as in biomedical theories, especially by John Money, is carried out, contrasting them to proposals which attempt to de-ontologise such system, found in authors such as Paul B. Preciado, Judith Butler and Donna Haraway. Finally, it defends a new paradigm for thinking the tensions between sex and gender, in which nature is thought of as a technocultural product.
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Impact Factor 1.54

Federal University of Pará - Abaetetuba Campus - EditorAbaete
Post-Graduate Program in Cities, Territories, and Identities (PPGCITI)
ISSN: 1806-0560 e-ISSN: 1982-5374