Firstly, I would like to provide an overview of the important traits and underlying characteristics of pragmatism, and then discuss the existence and establishment of Richard Rorty's thought on pragmatism, which was an earlier development of pragmatism classic. Richard Rorty's thoughts are also discussed with other modern philosophical thoughts in continental Europe, particularly on principles thought to be related to the principles of pragmatism. The possibilities of language, self and society are the principles discussed. It also mentions the inevitability of reality and objectivity of various points of view, thus giving rise to the need for attitudes of solidarity, or even the need for principles of solidarity in science. It is also mentioned that there are two notions of rationality, namely, objective, factual and obedient, as it is known so far, while the second meaning of rationality is cultured or civilized. Another part shown is the role of romantic poets and revolutionaries in breaking out of the impasse of language, thought and questions about the meaning of rationality itself. The other principle of truth is that it cannot be found, but must be done.
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Federal University of Pará - Abaetetuba Campus - EditorAbaete
Post-Graduate Program in Cities, Territories, and Identities (PPGCITI)
ISSN: 1806-0560 e-ISSN: 1982-5374